Payment System Evolution – Then & Now.


Money is simply a medium of exchange as well as a store of value. when it comes to knowing how the payment system changed its face from past to present I would like to share some important points which need to be noticed.


In the beginning, people bartered. Bartering is the exchange of a good or service for another good or service. For example, if any milkman wants grains he can exchange his milk with a farmer for grain. However, what if you couldn’t agree on what something was worth in exchange or you didn’t want what the other person had? Humans developed the concept of commodity money as a solution to their problems.  The commodity is a particular thing used by almost everyone. In ancient times items such as grains, tea, tobacco, cattle, and seeds were commodities and therefore were once used as money. However, using commodities as money had other problems. Carrying things in day to day manner was hard and commodities were difficult to store or were perishable.


Cowrie shells were used as money in the Pacific in 1200 B.C. In China and some parts of Africa but other countries, animal skins were valuable things. China started to use metal in their money in 1000 B.C. They made metallic cowries using bronze and copper. Coins were used mostly in 500 B.C. in Lydian’s, coins were made using a mixture of gold and silver. & at the back, it stamped, and with precious metals as core material, the coin had significant value.



Paper money started to appear in China near about 806 A.D. because of shortages in copper. During the 1600s, banknotes started in England. Money was exchanged for gold. Gold became an important value in England In the year 1816. In 1661 Swedish Stockholm Bank was the first bank in Europe to issue printed money.


Till the 16th century Europeans were using coins, helped along by acquisitions of precious metals from colonies to keep minting more and more cash. Eventually, the banks started using bank notes for depositors and borrowers to carry around instead of coins. These notes could be exchanged in a bank at any time to change their face values in silver or gold coins. Paper money was mostly used to buy goods and operated as the main currency nowadays but it was issued by banks and private institutions, not the government is now responsible for issuing currency in maximum countries.

European governments issued the first paper currency colonial governments in North America. Europe and the colonies carried the Shipments business for so long, the colonists often ran out of cash as operations expanded., the colonial governments used IOUs that traded as a currency except for the barter system The first introduction of that was in Canada, then a French colony. Soldiers have issued playing cards denominated and signed by the governor to use as cash instead of coins from France near about 1685.

Related Post: How to start an Online Business?


In 1933 U.S. The gold standard completely stopped as a link between the dollar and gold in 1971, now USD value is not linked to any specific asset. In other words, the U.S. dollar can’t be considered real money. From then, paper money was used as a standard form of money, and in the 1960s, the first version of credit cards began to emerge. Developing nations are still learning about credit card usage.  It remains prevalent today and many countries especially Developed nations, on the other hand, are moving towards digital wallets and other digital payment platforms in their quest for a cashless that’s why coins or notes are convertible into precious metals, money of these forms is the check that, for simplicity of use and security offered, is being adopted by an increasing most of the people in their daily activities. With the support of this document which one can orders payment of a certain amount to its bearer or a person mentioned in it, aims mainly at transactions with bank deposits. One of these forms is the Cheque that, for simple use and security offered, is being adopted by a large number of people in their daily lives. Money became more dematerialized and assumed abstract forms.

To know how to secure international payments for your business click here.


In the second part of the twentieth century, computer technology allowed money to be represented digitally. In the United States, all money transferred between its central bank and commercial banks was electronically near 1990. In the year 2000, most money existed as Digital currency in bank databases. In 2012, by several transactions, 20 to 58 percent of transactions were electronically dependent on the country. Non-national digital currencies were developed in the early


In the 21st century to two new forms of currency came into use. Mobile payments and virtual currency. Mobile pay is money rendered for a product or service through a portable electronic device such as a cell phone, smartphone, or tablet. Now a day’s Mobile payment technology is used to send money to friends or family members. A new technology of online payment arrives.  It enables a merchant to collect money from the customer. It verifies the information provided by the user and the payment method and then authorizes the transaction. Payment Gateway Integration manages your marketplace, automate money transfer, and collect frequent payments all from a single platform. It Accepts all payment method-Credit card, Debit card, Net Banking, UPI, and more. We offer the best payment gateway tools PayPal, Paytm, Instamojo, Atom payment solutions, and PayU. Payment Getaway Manage your marketplace, automate money transfer, and collect frequent payments all from a single platform. It Accepts all payment method-Credit card, Debit card, Net Banking, UPI, and more. We can help you choose the best payment gateway for your business by analyzing your business requirements.

With the evolution of payment, security measures also need to evolve. Today, companies have adopted several security measures to provide a secure and better payment experience to their customers to avoid the risk of online fraud. Digital Payment Guru is one of them that provides top payment gateways that are PCI-DSS compliant and at the best market rate.


online payment

What is Online Payment Processing?


From an earlier time, even before the invention of money, people exchanged goods and services in return for some mode of payment. Mode of payments was not financial as money didn’t even exist at that time instead they followed the barter system and livestock exchange. With the evolution of technology payment systems have changed drastically making financial transactions possible at any time and from anywhere.


What is Online Processing?

We are now in the Online Payment Processing era let’s dive deeper into it and know what exactly online processing is. Any transaction done electronically is known as an online transaction. It can be through a mobile device, a computer, or a POS machine. It requires firstly an internet connection then a secure ecosystem and encrypted information or your credentials.

The most debated topic today is the war between online and offline payments, wherein online payments seem to be winning by far, here’s why,

  • Online payment is quick and easy, a huge amount can be transferred in seconds.
  • Ease of managing the payment records thus reducing online fraud.
  • Payment gateway integrators like Digital Payment Guru make the entire payment process hassle-free with easy payment gateway integration into your existing system thus increasing your success rate.
  • International transactions can be done from one place and without facing different currency problems.
  • Payment can be sent and accepted 24*7 without any interventions.
  • An online business can offer multiple payment options to its customers so that customers can make payments with the desired payment method. This can help online business to retain their customers.

Is Online Payment Processing A Necessity?

Earlier, the Organization used paper checks for making payments. Maybe because it was the only mode of payment available and also it saved on the cost. After the introduction of FinTech companies, these organizations have started using online payment modes as a primary way of payment as it saves time and also reduces the hassle of managing the paperwork. It also eliminates the risk of fraud as all the payment records are easy to maintain.

A recent study states that 81% of organizations prefer online payment compared to offline payment modes because of its advantages and thus it can be concluded that online payments are no more a choice but a necessity. So, if you want to improve your business and retain your customers, it is important that you provide what your customers want. Thus, switching to an online business can benefit your business.


The need for Online Processing for your Business

Are you new to the online business or you have just developed an e-commerce website? Apart from design and smooth interface, you will need a secure and trusted payment gateway. Now that you know what online processing is, it is time for you to choose a payment gateway for your business. Before getting a payment gateway for your business let’s discuss its need for your business.

  • Secured Payment Gateway: The payment gateway is highly secure and the customer’s details are encrypted eliminating the risk of fraud.
  • 24/7 Support: Customers can make a payment anytime and from anywhere for your goods and services.
  • Shopping Cart: Payment Gateway provides your customer with a shopping cart feature for a better payment experience.
  • Payment Tracking: The payment gateway provides tracking of payments for past and present transactions, maintaining the record in one place.
  • Multiple Payment Modes: Customers can make payment through the desired payment mode thus providing ease of payment for the customer.
  • Platform Independent: Payment can be made from different devices like computers, mobile, tablets, etc.
  • Faster Processing: Online payments are quicker and more convenient than offline payment as it avoids the hassle of waiting in the queue for making payments.

Every payment gateway has its features and plugins thus it is necessary to analyze your business needs and choose the right payment gateway that is suitable for your business.

Digital Payment Guru can help you choose the best payment gateway for your business by analyzing your business needs. We provide top payment gateways like PayPal, PayU, Paytm, Instamojo, and Atom at the best market rates. Visit our website and get started.


Everything you need to know about a Payment Gateway_png

Everything you need to know about a Payment Gateway.

If you start an online business and want to accept payments online, a payment gateway is something that you will need. They might sound a bit out of your box by now, just continue reading I assure it is not that complex as it sounds. Here’s a brief about what payment gateway is, how it works and how can you get started with a payment gateway for your business.
What is a Payment Gateway?
The payment gateway is a service that is responsible for the authorization of your card details and then transfers the details to the payment processors. You receive a confirmation for your transaction which is again handled by a payment gateway. Sounds tough? Well in simple words, Payment Gateway act as a bridge between the transaction that the customer wants to make and the payment processor. Your website or mobile application cannot directly connect with the bank for security reasons thus a payment gateway is required. Thus, Payment gateway is the mode of sales by which you can charge your customers who want to buy your products online.
What is the role of the Payment Gateway?
Payment Gateway service is the same as the POS machine where you can swipe a card to make an online payment, in Payment Gateway service customer enters their card details online to make a payment for your products.
The main role of the payment gateway is to authorize the transaction you and your customers. Without a payment gateway approving the transaction you will not receive your money.
Do you need to have a Payment Gateway?

online payment
It completely depends on your business requirements, it is very important to analyze your business requirement before integrating a payment gateway. If you run an e-commerce website and want to start accepting payments online then you definitely need a payment gateway service as there is no other way to accept any kind of online payment without having a payment gateway.
Make a note that the transaction processed by a payment gateway is a card, not present transactions which means that the merchant relies on the credit card information that is provided by the customer.
While making a card-not-present transaction, the data is not run on the EMV chip in the card unlike POS machine transactions so, the risk of fraud increases. Thus, these transactions can charge you higher than a card-present transaction.

Related Post: How to does a Payment Gateway charge?

How does a Payment Gateway work?
From a customer’s view, the payment gateway is quite straightforward where the customer visits your website, adds products to the cart and then checks out making the payment for desired products via a payment gateway by adding the card details.
But it is a bit more complex behind the scenes.
The gateway processes in the following steps:
1. The customer enters the card details and makes payment for the desired products on your website. This transaction is a card-not-present transaction for which the charges are quite high for security. This information is encrypted and sent on its way.
2. The encrypted data is sent to the payment processor which the company that processes the payments.
3. The payment processor sends the data to credit card associations like Visa or Master card. These associations charge an interchange fee for each transaction.
4. Now the transaction is either approved or declined for which the card firstly needs to be valid and have enough funds.
5. Once the transaction is authorized the issuing bank transmits the data to the payment processing parties.
6. The execution of all the above steps takes just a second but it might take a couple of hours for the amount to be reflected in your account.

Related Post: How to integrate a Payment Gateway?

How to choose the right payment gateway for your website?
There are different ways of payment gateway integration,
Hosted Gateway: Hosted method is a third party integration method and the customers required to leave the current page and are directed to the payment page to complete the transaction.
The drawback of this gateway is that it might lower your conversion rate as it directs the customer to another page to complete the transaction. Thus, customers will not trust such a payment gateway.
Non-Hosted method: This payment gateway allows the customer to make a transaction without having to leave the current page and the integration of these payment gateways can be done through API.
The drawback is the maintenance of the payment gateway infrastructure also, before integration of this payment gateway you need to be PCI DSS compliance as all the client details are stored on your server.
Now, you are aware of the differences in payment gateway integration you can choose your payment gateway by analyzing your business requirements as different payment gateway have different features like auto-fill OTP and more. Also, the payment gateway fees, multiple payment modes, multi-currency support, PCI-DSS compliance, fraud prevention are some of the points to be considered before integrating a payment gateway.
Still, if you are confused as to which payment gateway to choose from, visit Digital Payment Guru to find the top payment gateways at best market rates. Digital Payment Guru also helps you find the best payment gateway for your business by analyzing your business requirements.

payment gateway

How To Integrate a Payment Gateway?


If you are running an e-commerce platform or just having an online presence, you need to have something using which your customers can make a payment online. To enable a seamless and convenient payment option that is also secure at the same time, a payment gateway is something that you will definitely need to enable your website to accept payments online. While choosing a payment gateway you have to check if the payment gateway supports all your business requirements. It has to be compatible with your existing platform, it should provide multiple payment options, and mainly it should be protected from fraud.

To know how to integrate a payment gateway into your E-Commerce site click here

What is a Payment gateway?

Well, payment gateway services are the only way in which you can accept payments through a website or mobile application. They act as a bridge between the transaction that the customer wants to make and the payment processor. The app cannot directly connect to payment processors for security reasons thus payment gateways are required.

The payment gateway can handle the following types of transactions:


It is the type of transaction wherein it is checked whether the user has enough amount in his bank account to make the payment for the desired product or service. If he has the amount then the order is placed. Such a type of transaction is used for orders that take time to ship.


Capture is the actual processing of the funds to the merchant’s account after the authorization transaction.


Sale transactions are a combination of Authorization and Capture transactions wherein the user’s card details are first authorized to check if there are enough funds in the user’s account to make payment for the product. After authorization, the funds may or may not get captured. It is used for immediate purchases like subscriptions and e-tickets.


The mode of transaction in which an order is canceled and the merchant has to process the refund to the user.


It is similar to a refund but can be initiated only when the funds are not captured.

How to integrate a payment gateway?


There are several methods for the integration of a payment gateway into your website.

  • Hosted Gateway: Hosted method is a third-party integration method and the customers require to leave the current web page and are directed to the payment page to complete the payment. Here the payment processing is taken care of by a service provider, also the card details of the client are saved by the vendor thus this method does not require PCI DSS and provides easy integration. Also, the drawback of such a payment gateway is that the customers may not trust the third-party payment system, and directing them to a different page will lower your conversion rate creating a negative impact on your brand. Such a payment gateway is suitable for small to medium businesses.

How to integrate: The guidelines are available on the vendor’s website. A javascript code is available on their website which needs to be integrated into your website, after integration it places a button on your website by clicking on which it activates vendor API to manage the transaction.

  • Non-Hosted Method: Non-Hosted methods allow customers to make payments without having to leave the current page. This method allows the integration of payment gateway through APIs. The benefits of having an integrated payment gateway are that you have full control over the transaction unlike hosted integration method and also provides easy customization of the payment gateway to compliment your website. The drawback is the maintenance of the payment gateway infrastructure, also before integration of a non-hosted payment gateway you need to be PCI compliant as all the clients’ card details will be stored on your own server and it becomes quite tricky if you opt for any customization. This payment gateway is suitable for medium to high business that relies on branding and user experience.

How to integrate: Non-Hosted payment gateway integration is done via API into your website. Also, a technical team is required for the integration of the payment gateway. Most non-hosted payment gateway providers have a well-documented guide readily available.

  • Direct Post Method: Direct post method allows the customers to make the payment without leaving the current web page. Also, you do not need to obtain PCI compliance. It assumes that the details of the transaction are directly sent to the payment gateway after the customer clicks on the payment button. The data is transferred to the gateway and processor without being saved on your own server. The benefits of direct post methods are similar to that of non-hosted payment gateway like the customization option but without having to be PCI compliant and the user makes payments without getting directed to any other page. The drawback is that is it not completely secure. These payment gateways are suitable for all types of businesses.

How to Integrate: The payment gateway service providers may set a connection between the payment gateway and shopping cart to transfer the user’s credentials.



payment gateway

How Does Payment Gateway Charge?


If you are having an online business or planning to start an online business, a payment gateway is something that you will definitely need for accepting online payments. But when it comes to the payment gateway or any service integration, one question that comes to our mind is ‘What are the FEES?’.

Well, no service comes for free nor does payment gateway, so how do they actually charge?

When you choose a payment gateway service provider from a payment processor like Paypal or Paytm, the payment gateway is provided free of cost, which means that the code for the payment gateway is provided for free and the code needs to be blended into your website. These payment gateway processors do not provide integration service, you need to get the payment gateway blended into your website with the help of your website developer.

Usually, Payment Gateway has its own set of fees,

Setup Fee:

It is a one-time fee charged by the provider for setting up the payment gateway account and integrating the payment gateway with your website.

Annual Fees:

The payment gateway can charge you annually for the plugins, features, and support that it offers.

Transaction cost:

The payment gateway can charge you for every transaction that your customer makes. The charges are a certain percentage of every transaction plus a fixed amount.

Some payment processors do provide integration service at a cost, If you are looking for a payment gateway, You must have come across the term “One-time setup cost” which in simple words means payment gateway integration charge, wherein the payment processor does not just provides you with payment gateway but also blends it with your websites making it ready for payment acceptance.

If it is for free then how do payment gateway providers get paid?

So once the payment gateway integration into your website is completed and your website is ready to accept online payment, this is when the payment gateway providers start getting paid. Payment gateway charges you a certain percentage (1.5%-3.5%)  on every transaction that your customer makes. The charges differ for a mode of payment like Debit/Credit card, UPI or NetBanking, and more. Following are some charges from reputed payment gateways.

PayPal – 2.5%* + Fixed fee (INR 3)

Paytm–  1.75% + GST

Instamojo–  2% + Rs 3 fixed

PayU–  2% + GST

How is Digital Payment Guru different from others?

Digital Payment Guru is a payment Gateway integrator providing integration services for different types of businesses that want to start accepting payments online. What makes

Discounted  Rates:

Digital payment guru provides the payment gateway service at the cheapest rates compared to that available in the market.

Variety of Payment Gateway:

 Find different payment gateways in one place, compare the rates, and select the one that suits your business.

Customized Payment Gateways:

We provide a customized payment gateway that can be tailored according to your website and need.


 Our team of experts having years of experience with payment gateway integration can help you choose the best payment gateway which is suitable for your business.

Integration service:

Unlike other payment gateway service providers, Digital payment guru offers the integration service at the best rates which is a one-time cost with customer support.

Website Audit:

We conduct an entire website audit for you to ensure that the payment gateway works properly and also to find any errors in existing functionalities that can be resolved.


How is Payment Gateway different from Payment Aggregators?

Are you running an online business or planning to start one? You should have financial solutions for your online business to accept payments for the services or goods you will provide. The payment gateway is definitely something you will need, Meanwhile many merchants prefer payment aggregators because they provide a wide range of services and is beneficial in context to fees charged for those services.

What is a Payment Gateway?

Payment Gateway is online software which makes handles online payments with multiple payment modes like Credit/Debit cards, net banking, and more, It acts as an intermediate between a customer and merchant, the customer makes payments for certain goods offered by the merchant through the payment gateway.

What Are Payment Aggregators?

Payment Aggregators are basically service provider which allows the merchant to accept payments through multiple modes like credit/debit cards, Netbanking, and more without having a need for a merchant account. The term ‘aggregators’ denotes merchants are grouped together to opt for a merchant account which is controlled by a payment system on their behalf of them, whereas a merchant account, on the other hand, is owned and controlled by the merchant themselves. In other words, Payment Aggregators allow the merchant to collect the amount without setting up a merchant account that is connected with a bank.

How do Payment Gateway and Payment Aggregator work together?

It is a misconception that a payment gateway is the alone involved in an online transaction, Payment gateway handles only the data involved in the transaction and there are banks that work behind the scenes to issue merchant accounts. There can be too many merchants applying for a merchant account and willing to process payments. In such a situation, the bank has to handle both the underwriting process as well as the transaction of multiple merchants which becomes difficult. This is when a payment aggregator is needed; Payment Aggregators go through the underwriting process with acquiring banks and process payments for many merchants. Well, a Payment Aggregator can offer a Payment Gateway but a Payment Gateway cannot offer a Payment Aggregator. PayU and Instamojo are some of the payment gateway aggregators that provide payment gateway services to different merchants at a specific rate. Payment gateway service provider charges fees to the customer on behalf of the merchant and then transfers the money to the merchant account within a stipulated time period according to the payment aggregators, normally it is 3 days.

Payment Gateway vs. Payment Aggregators

Payment Gateway and Payment Aggregators both are different but interlinked, which means, payment aggregators need not act as payment gateway but payment gateway does need aggregators.

  • Payment Options: The payment gateway in India allows the merchant to accept the payment through available options that are integrated into the portal, whereas Payment Aggregators allow the merchant to collect payment with multiple options like bank transfer, e-wallet, and the latest is UPI.
  • Small Business: Payment gateways use Payment aggregators when it comes to small business because small business finds the transaction fees charged by a single payment gateway high and aggregators are beneficial in context to the cost for services.
  • Intermediates & Interface: The payment gateway acts as an intermediate between the customer and merchant, the customer makes payment through a payment gateway for certain goods/services provided by the merchant. Aggregators act as an interface for the intermediates(Payment gateway) to accept payments and make settlements.
  • Ownership: Payment gateways are owned by Payment Aggregators who cater payment processing for online businesses.
  • License: Payment aggregators require payment aggregator licenses and security certificates like PCI DSS from the Payment card industry. Payment Gateway requires RBI authorization for setting up a business.

How are Payment Gateway and Payment Aggregator beneficial for Small Businesses?

Payment Aggregators are preferred by the small business as they are cost-effective for microtransactions, and payment gateway integration becomes easy for small businesses when catered to by aggregators. Payment Aggregators tend to become a payment processing platform for small businesses because of their minimal or no startup cost and fixed rates.

Benefits of Payment Aggregator over Payment Gateway.

  • Ease of Application: Applying for a merchant account is a time-consuming process that involves a lengthy application and underwriting process, it includes a credit check, PCI compliance check and also close inspection of your business model. Whereas with Payment Aggregators there are minimal requirements and compliance checks.
  • Faster Approvals: For Payment Aggregators, approvals take a few days making it suitable for a small business where time is a constraint.
  • Get paid instantly: Once the application processing is done, the merchant can start accepting payments through multiple payment modes like Credit/Debit cards, Netbanking and more.
  • Simple Fee structure: Payment Aggregators are beneficial for small businesses making microtransactions as the cost per transaction is minimal with aggregators. So it is easier for the merchant to shell out processing fees.

Why Do Your Refunds Take Time?


If you shop online then you might have faced the following situations,

  1. You return an item and the money was promised to be credited within 5-10 working days.
  2. The amount is debited from your account but the order is not placed.

You expect the refund to be reflected in your account immediately, then why does it take so long?

Well, this blog explains what exactly happens behind the scenes and what you should be doing as a customer to get your refund. The two cases mentioned above are the instances when a refund request is created. Let’s discuss these instances one by one.

1. Customer raises refund request to online business for returned goods.

Payment gateway integration

Customer purchases certain goods online which he/she then returns for some reason like poor quality of goods. The customer raises a refund.

What happens next is a return request is made by an online business via its payment gateway. The payment gateway then transfers the information to the acquired bank via API. The acquiring bank (bank associated with the online business ) communicates with the issuing bank (bank associated with the customer with which payment was made) and raises a refund request. Further, the request is accepted, filed, and processed by the issuing bank and after the process is completed the refund is reflected in the customer’s account.

Though the process seems simple on paper, it is a complicated process as the information exchange takes place between 4-5 different parties and there are many such refund requests raised, thus it takes 5-10 days for the return to reflect in the customer’s account. Sometimes it can take more than 10 days if the return request gets dropped due to System/Network failure and the request needs to be initiated again.

2. The amount is debited from the account but the order is not placed.

The customer makes an online payment for certain goods and services, he successfully checks out making the payment through a payment gateway for desired goods and services. But the order is not placed and the amount is debited from the customer’s account. The customer claims a refund.

How does the payment process work?

payment process flow

There are several steps and parties involved in the entire online payment process,

  1. A website from where the customer makes payment.
  2. Payment Gateway using which customers will make payments.
  3. Acquire a bank (bank associated with online businesses).
  4. Issuing bank( Bank associated with the customer).

While proceeding with the payment you need to choose the payment mode like Credit/Debit card and fill in the details.

Once you finish filling up the details the data is sent to the payment gateway system which then transfers the data to a bank associated with a card. Bank creates requests with payment systems like visa or master card depending on the card used. These payment systems check if the customer has the required amount on balance to pay for the purchase, if yes the bank directly connects with the merchant and the amount is transferred to the merchant’s account within several days.

Impact of failed payment:

Two-factor verification is the most relevant step when it comes to payment processing. After two-factor verification is completed a payment request is made to issuing bank which debits the required amount from the customer’s account. Issuing bank confirms the status of payment to the acquiring bank. The customer then receives the notification regarding the payment via a payment gateway.

Why Does Payment processing fail?

The payment process can fail at any step during its communication from one party to another,

Failure of payment can occur due to network or system failure as the customer should be connected to the internet until the entire transaction is completed.

There are almost 4 parties involved in the complete transaction process. Payment can fail during the communication of issuing bank with acquiring bank or can fail during the communication of the payment gateway with the acquiring bank. There are several infrastructures on which online payment systems work most of which are not that optimized to handle such issues.

Role of Payment Gateway in the refund process.

The payment gateway’s role is to check for the status of payment with the acquiring bank, payment gateway’s job doesn’t stop if the payment status with the acquiring bank is ‘failed’. When this happens, the payment gateway keeps polling the acquired bank for the payment status that is updated as ‘Failed’ and has changed to ‘Successful’. If the status is changed then the online business where the transaction was done is informed and is given two options,

  1. To collect the payment and deliver the goods/services for which the payment is made.
  2. Not to collect the payment as it is no longer in the position to serve the customer for any reason like goods for which the payment was made are no longer available. In this case, the amount will be refunded to the customer within 5-10 business days.

Do not worry about the failed payments and refunds, the amount deducted will always reflect back to the mode of payment selected while making payments. If the payment is made using a digital wallet then the amount will be refunded to a digital wallet and not the bank account.

So shop online and stop worrying about failed payments as you have knowledge about what happens behind the scenes!